Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Learning and Utilizing Infographics in Marketing

I've now gotten more and more into Pinterest and find it so much fun to be able to "pin" things (or for you "Non-Pinnies", post different images) without having to be bothered with so many different ads.  Plus, as a direct result of discovering Pinterest, I've discovered and learned more about "Infographics"!

What is an "Infographic? You may ask.  Well according to Wikipedia: "Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly,[1] such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information."

Infographics are great visual charts that explain different things or provide quick statistical information through the use of pictures and text. I think I love them because you can get the high level overview of a topic or subject matter without reading a several page report. It gives you the highlights that are most important and conveys the overall idea of a specific subject matter.

Companies are utilizing inforgraphics more and more these days because of the fact that it communicates what they want to get across quickly.

According to the MarketingTech blog:

  • Infographics are easily transportable… the ability for me to download and upload a great infographic takes a few minutes… much easier than trying to write a blog post in response to show appreciation of someone else’s content.

  • Infographics attract a lot of attention. The visual display of information with fantastic imagery often catches people where words alone fail. They often go viral because they are so interesting.

  • At present, infographics remain as one of the few ways to game search engines. Simply put – if you provide someone to publish your infographic, you typically ask them to also put a link back to your site with some juicy keyword in it. Voila… a backlink! Backlinks are the gold standard of gaining rank. 

  • Infographics not only grab the attention of your readers but they can also be a scalable link building tactic. The internet is quickly collecting an assortment of well-designed, easy-to-digest infographics across all industries, and it’s easy to see why these information-packed images are so popular for bloggers and web content managers.

    Content alone, as useful as it is, can sometimes be a little bit bland. Words on a webpage without colour or graphics doesn’t always score points for user experience, which is why our content writers put so much emphasis on formatting and style.

    The company I work for, SAS, is (in my opinion) the best software company to work for in the world! They really care about their customers and their employees. SAS has the most friendly and knowledgable business advisors and experts whose main goal is to make their customer's organizations more profitable through business intelligence and analytics. As SAS' CEO James Goodnight states “There’s a huge jump from simple BI to advanced analytics.”

    As part of the marketing team focused on several industries, including Automotive, Manufacturing, High Tech and Consumer Product Goods, I've been working on conveying an 'easy to digest' explanation of High Performance Analytics (HPA) for Manufacturing to our audience. One way was through the use of an infographic, so our creative team developed this one:

    I'm so pleased with what the team created and wanted to share it with everyone. I think this is a great visual asset for us to provide to our customers since they're easily digested, simple to understand and interesting to look at as opposed to a boring white paper with a lot text. Basically, infographics are more fun!

    And according to the WebMarketing Group "Using infographics are scalable, shareable and brandable, and can add value to your SEO campaign. If you want to pimp your blog or dress up your text, create a stylish and informative infographic for everyone to feast their eyes on!"