Monday, February 16, 2009

Blasting Away! Email Blasts that Hit Their Targets

One of the more popular marketing techniques in recent years is the email blast. The “blast” enables you to send out mass emails to potential customers and can be an effective tool and benefit both the company and the customer. If you develop the right program to target the right audience, email blasts can be extremely successful and economical. For example, a successful email blast allows you the opportunity to reach hundreds of contacts at a single time. Of course, not all email blasts are as effective as others.

First, you must develop professional copy – keep in mind that you are able to contact a good number of prospective clients with a targeted blast, but you can lose them all if your content isn't written well and does not touch on what’s at the top of their agenda. The trick is to hook the reader in the first line of the email. Hooking them with the subject line is even better because it ensures that your email will be opened rather than clicked into their deleted files bin. Carefully selected words and a carefully crafted email can make or break your blast. As long as you are spending the time and the money to send out an email blast, it is important that you ensure the quality of the content. And, don’t forget to include your contact information.

Make sure you provide links and contact information - you don't just want people to read your email and move on. You want them to act on it and want more. One of the great advantages of emails is that once you have a person's attention you can direct them right onto your web page and into your virtual space. By providing a link to your website in the email, as well as the opportunity to learn more, you are giving them something for their time. In turn, you have the benefit of gauging their interest, then the ability to follow up and reach out to them to provide even more assistance. Resulting in not only reaching your prospective customer, but actually having the ability to contact them and set up a face-to-face meeting.

If you’re a marketer, you know how important first impressions are. Work on making a great first impression by providing potential clients with information that focuses on areas that they would find of strategic value. If you’ve done your research, you’ll know by your targeted titles within the focused industry, what they are facing and how you can help. So, make them know you have what they need.

Target your demographic - by considering the options available through the various email blast programs, you will be able to find a program that will enable you to reach your target audience. You should find a program that offers demographic options that are as specific as possible. Check to see how often the email lists are updated and try to find lists that are updated as often as once a month. Also, consider what audiences you will be able to target. Email blast lists that are obtained through clicks on special interest websites will be most valuable to you if you are offering a special interest commodity. Make sure you are able to match your email blast to your target audience.

Well written, targeted emails will not reach the intended audience if they end up zapped out of cyberspace by spam filters. Getting the email into your potential customer's inboxes is the first step in an effective email blast. But, what happens when the fine line between requested marketing emails and unsolicited messages (SPAM) is crossed? The consequences can lead to upset customers and in extreme cases, lawsuits. So, make sure you adhere to the spam laws and provide an “opt out” option at the bottom of your copy.

Make sure you also consider the day of the week you do your blast. One final thing to consider when sending out an email blast is the day of the week that the email will reach your customer's inboxes. There are good statistics that show more emails get opened on Sunday than any other day of the week. Surprisingly, Saturday is one of the days of the week that emails are rarely opened. If possible, aim for a Sunday or a Monday delivery of your blast.

Good Blasting!
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This Weeks' Thought: "“Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied.” - Pearl S Buck

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